Monday, October 29, 2007

Boston! The Musical (A Revival)

The Red Sox won the World Series! Again! Yay!! Wahoo!!! Quick everyone, shimmy dance!

The last time this happened (2004 for those who might not keep detailed records), the city of Boston became Boston! The Musical for a week afterwards. Everywhere I went people met my gaze, smiled, sparkled even. It was like living in the south, but without as many r’s. People who had formerly communicated by grunting and spitting near your feet were now super friendly and said things like, “Hi there! We won!” to total strangers and passersby. Everyone wore Red Sox hats and shirts for a whole week and this was taken as the sign by which fellow chorus-members were recognized. Eyebrows and corners of the mouth up, hands extended – the city was just missing a few sets of jazz hands and high kicks to meet Broadway standards.

Of course, within a few weeks that had mostly died down and the more usual Bostonian reserve had slipped back into place.

But now the Sox have won again. The long late nights of game-watching, and the slow sluggish mornings suffered through yet another layer of baseball jetlag are over. Let the revival of Boston! The Musical begin!

I believe a chorus of Sweet Caroline is in order.


Anonymous said...

i always feel the need to congratulate you personally when your sox do well. yea LaLa!

(seth has not put down his adorable green bunny all day. it's exceptional, particularly the whiskers.)

Whiskeymarie said...

I don't personally care either way, but my Father-in-law is a HUGE fan, so I am happy for him. And you, my dear.